Healthy bones play an important role in our general wellbeing. Generally, your bones incorporate minerals during three stages in life. That is childhood, adolescence and early childhood. Your bones will no longer grow as you have reached peak in terms of bone mass. Therefore, enough bone mass should be created during the three processes or you might have fragile bones that easily fracture or break. Luckily, there are numerous positive ways you can develop strong and healthy bones as you age. Below are some natural ways you can build healthy bones throughout the body:
Include vegetables in your diet
Vegetables are one of the healthy meals. They contain a lot of nutrients. Anyone who wants to develop healthy bones should include vegetables in their diet. There are different kinds of vegetables to choose from. Vegetables are known to contain high amounts of vitamin C, used in the stimulation of bone forming cells. That’s not all; Vitamin C found in vegetables contains high levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the bones from different forms of damages. Vegetables also contain different kinds of minerals. This is the reason frequent consumption of vegetables can improve your overall bone mineral density.
The minerals found in vegetables reduce the possibility of contracting osteoporosis and osteopenia, linked with low bone mineral density. Anyone who take high amounts of both yellow and green vegetables during the childhood, are likely to develop healthy bones. Aged people should also eat plenty of vegetables. This is likely to reduce the possibility of different bone complication.
Perform weight bearing exercises and strength training
Workout routines are known to help us in various ways. Strength training and weight bearing exercises are known to build strong bones. It is also one of the ways of maintaining your current healthy bones. You are also likely to develop new bones if you are consistent with both strength training and weight bearing exercises. Work out is can also help children develop healthy bones. It can also prevent bone damage or loss in the aged adults. Frequent workout routines also develop strong bones; increase the size of bones and the bone mineral density. You must be consistent with strength training and weight bearing exercise to attain healthy bones. Some people exhibit instant results, whereas others take time.
Eat plenty of protein
Protein is one of the nutrients needed for the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. Our body comprises more 50% of protein. It has been proven on numerous occasions that people who eat less protein are more likely to develop bone complications. This is in terms of formation and breakdown. Lack of enough protein reduces calcium absorption, needed for proper bone growth. A combination of high amounts of protein and intake of adequate calcium can improve the health of your bones. It also helps in higher bone density and minimizes risk of structure. There are different kinds of meals that offer protein to choose from.
Go for meals with high amounts of calcium
Calcium helps in bone formation and development of healthy bones. It is one of the minerals found in bones. Our bones are frequently broken down and replaced by new ones. This is one of the reasons you should consume meals with high amounts of calcium. Calcium ensures the bone structure is intact and in good condition. The amounts of calcium our bodies absorb vary depending on an individual. Nutritionists encourage you to distribute your calcium intake throughout the day. You are also encouraged to consume meals with high amounts of calcium rather than calcium supplements. You are likely to attain healthy bones weeks after intake of meals with high amounts of calcium.
Get enough Vitamin K and Vitamin D
Vitamin K and Vitamin D are essential in the development of strong bones. Vitamin D speeds up the rate in which the body absorbs calcium. It also protects the bones from different types of diseases such as Osteoporosis and Osteopenia. Low amounts of vitamin D has also been linked to low bone density. The aged people are prone to bone loss if they don’t get sufficient Vitamin D. You can get enough Vitamin D either through the sun and some meals. Cheese, liver and fatty fish are some meals that contain high amounts of Vitamin D.
On the other hand, Vitamin k ensures calcium doesn’t leak from the bones. It also aids in binding minerals to the bones. You can get sufficient amounts of Vitamin K from cheese, meat, eggs and liver. Consumption of high amounts of Vitamin K and Vitamin D can help you maintain healthy bones.
Avoid low calorie meals
Do you frequently adopt low calorie meals? If yes, avoid such meals if you want to develop healthy bones. Low calorie meal drastically lowers your metabolism. It also results into muscle mass loss and rebound hunger. These factors are bad for the health of the bone. Our bones need different kinds of nutrients for proper development. This can only be attained by consumption of a balanced diet. Therefore, avoid low calorie meals as much as you can. Your body needs sufficient amounts of calories.
Go for Collagen supplements
Some researches have proven that collagen supplements are capable of improving the wellbeing of the bones. Collagen is a type of protein that is found in the bones. Collagen contains amino acids lysine, proline and glycine. These amino acids aid in building strong and healthy bones. Collagen can also help the aged people relieve joint pain. It also reduces the possibility of some bone complications.
Watch your weight
A lot of people don’t know that their weight can affect their current weight. Therefore, watch your weight if you want to develop healthy bones. You should be underweight or overweight. Underweight is linked to osteoporosis and osteopenia. A well balanced diet is the secret towards attaining normal weight and maintaining it. People who are underweight are prone to bone loss and reduction in bone density. Obesity on the other hand increases the risks of bone structure. It also impairs the bone quality. Therefore, don’t gain or lose a lot weight. A normal body weight is the secret towards maintaining healthy bones.
Consume meals with high amounts of zinc and Magnesium
Our bones require more than calcium for healthy development. Magnesium and zinc are other minerals needed for proper bone development. Magnesium plays its role by making vitamin D promote calcium absorption. People who consume meals with high amounts of magnesium are more likely to attain high bone density. Zinc is one of the minerals that are found in the bone. It prevents excessive bone breakdown and aids in the formation of cells that build new bones. Sufficient amounts of zinc are recommended for both children and adults.
Eat meals with high amounts of omega 3 fats
Omega 3 fatty acids have inflammatory effects. The inflammatory effects prevent bone loss, which is linked to aging. Omega 3 fats should be consumed in moderation. Walnuts, flaxseeds and chia seeds are some sources of omega 3 fats.
Bottom line
The health of our bones plays an important role in our wellbeing. Therefore, you should thrive towards attaining healthy bones. The above tips can help you attain healthy bones. It is not too late to attain healthy bones today.