Coffee is one of the most common drinks across the globe. People have different views and perceptions about this drink. Some people love it, whereas others criticize it. Surprisingly, coffee poses numerous benefits than most people think. It contains different antioxidants that are beneficial for the body. Coffee also reduces the possibility of contracting some chronic conditions such as liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Is coffee good for the brain? People have different responses. We will find out the truth at the end of this discussion.
Ingredients found in coffee
Compounds found in coffee assist the body in numerous ways. Most compounds found in coffee are antioxidants. They help fight free radicals that might damage the cells. Here are some ingredients found in coffee:
- Caffeine- Caffeine is the main ingredient found in coffee. Generally, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. A large fraction of people consume coffee to stimulate their central nervous system.
- Chlorogenic acids- Coffee can significantly benefit some biological reactions in the body. They are mostly age related reactions. Chlorogenic acids found in coffee can benefit high blood pressure and blood sugar metabolism.
- Trigonelline, an alkaloid compound prevents different dental cavities. It does this by dealing with bacterial growth.
- Kahweol and cafestol are found in unfiltered coffee. They protect the body against different types of cancer. It is also good for the liver. However, unfiltered coffee should be taken with moderation.
How coffee affects the brain
Caffeine is the main component found in coffee. This compound affects the central nervous system in different ways. These reactions are stimulated by how caffeine intertwines with adenosine receptors. Adenosine receptors promote sleep. Caffeine inhibits or slows down the capability of neurons to fire up. This tends to slow down the neural activity in the brain. Adenosine receptors build up throughout the day. This is the reason you feel drowsy in the evening.
Both the adenosine and caffeine have same molecular structure. As a result, they efficiently compete for the same receptors. Caffeine only prevents adenosine from slowing you down and making you want to sleep. It stimulates your central nervous system, making you alert. Caffeine will make you alert for a specific period. It depends on the coffee you have used. Caffeine influences the brain in numerous ways through the production of other neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. Caffeine might improve the following aspects relating brain function:
- General mental function
- Attention
- Mood
- Learning
- Reaction time
Some people are more tolerant to caffeine than others. Therefore, they are required to consume more coffee to attain any of the above results.
The relationship between caffeine and memory
Drinking coffee has an effect on your memory. Research carried out revealed that the effects are short term. This helped deal with the speculations that coffee can impair performance when handling memory related tasks. Researchers went ahead and discovered that caffeine can positively improve the long term memory of a person. This statement only applied to those who took coffee immediately after learning. Caffeine found in coffee can enhance the memory of a person.
Coffee and fatigue
Fatigue or tiredness can make you feel drained most part of the day. Therefore, people opt for energizers to give them the energy to drive on throughout the day. Coffee can help you deal with fatigue. It can energize your entire body, making you feel energized. You will also be awake and more alert. Coffee has for numerous years been used in dealing with fatigue.
However, the energy level boosts from coffee are only temporary. They stay for a while before wearing off. Afterwards, you will be required to take another cup of coffee. Avoid taking too much coffee or it will disrupt your sleeping pattern at night.
Coffee reduces the possibility of Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer disease might trigger dementia. This conditional destroys the capability of the brain storing memory. It can also affect other mental functions. Alzheimer disease slowly grows until it gets severe. Therefore, it can affect a person’s behavior and thinking. Research has proven that coffee can significantly reduce the possibility of contracting Alzheimer disease. You simply need to take coffee on a regular basis. However, it should be with moderation.
Coffee reduces the possibility of contracting Parkinson’s
The central nervous system is prone to numerous health factors. Parkinson’s is one of the diseases that affect the central nervous system. This chronic disease kills the nerve cells on the brain that are responsible for secreting dopamine. The nerve cells also aids muscle movement throughout the body. Parkinson’s affects the movements of the body. Above all; there is no cure for this condition. Prevention is the most recommended for this chronic condition. Research has revealed that coffee can prevent Parkinson’s disease. You should take coffee on a regular basis. However, it should be with moderation. Caffeine in coffee is responsible for protecting people against Parkinson’s chronic disease.
What amount of coffee should you drink?
The amount of coffee you drink determines effects it has on you. There are different types of coffee. Some are processed, whereas others are unfiltered. They vary in terms of concentration. Some coffee brands are stronger than others. Either way, you should consume coffee in moderation. This is the only way coffee will present positive effects on your brain. When taken in moderation, it can improve your general reaction time; improve the mood of a person and being vigilant. Some people drink plenty of coffee. First, caffeine is addictive in nature when consumed in high amounts. It can also bring out sleeping problems, anxiety, heart palpitations and jitters. Coffee isn’t recommended for some people in the society. Such people include pregnant women, adolescents and children.
All compounds found in coffee have numerous benefits in the body. Some benefits are not instant. They might take some time for them to become visible. Simply, take coffee in moderation despite the brand you take. In conclusion, coffee is good for the brain.