Diabetic is a chronic disease that must be maintained at all times. You must be cautious on what you eat. Some meals are known to spike your blood sugar levels. This can be dangerous if your blood sugar levels remain high for a long time. There are some meals that help maintain diabetes. They can both lower your high blood sugar levels or help maintain normal levels. Below are some 16 meals diabetic people can use to control their blood sugar levels:
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish are very nutritious. This is the reason they are listed as one of the healthiest meals you should consider. Fatty fish examples are mackerel, anchovies, herring, sardines and salmon. These fishes are rich in omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These two fatty acids benefit the heart in numerous ways. Additionally, getting a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids on a regular basis can greatly help people with diabetes. Diabetic people are at a high risk of developing stroke and heart disease. Both DHA and EPA omega 3 fatty acids are likely to improve the general performance of arteries. Fatty fish also contains a significant amount of protein. Protein can improve your overall metabolic rate and make you feel full.
Leafy Greens
Leafy greens fall under the category of vegetables. Vegetables are very nutritious and contain low amounts of calories. Leafy greens also contain low amounts of digestible carbs. Consumption of high amounts of digestible can significantly increase your blood sugar levels. Kales and spinach are examples of leafy greens. They contain both minerals and vitamins. Vitamin C found in leafy greens can help control diabetes in numerous ways. First, it keeps blood sugar levels intact. Vitamin C is also capable of reducing inflammatory in the body. That’s not all; leafy greens also contain two types of antioxidants. Zeaxanthin and lutein are the antioxidants found in these vegetables. These antioxidants protect the body from cataracts and macular degeneration mostly linked to diabetes.
Cinnamon is one of the commonly used spices in most households. This spice also contains high amounts of antioxidant compounds. These compounds are beneficial to the body in numerous ways. First, these antioxidants can improve insulin sensitivity in the body and also keep blood sugar levels low. These results can be exhibited a few weeks after frequently using cinnamon. Numerous studies have also showcased the benefits of cinnamon to diabetic people. That’s not all; cinnamon is also capable of lowering the triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the body. There are two types cinnamon you can take, namely cassia and Ceylon. Take cassia cinnamon with limitation because it contains coumarin, linked with serious health problems.
Eggs are one of the most beneficial meals you should consider. They contain different kinds of nutrients, which benefit the body in numerous ways. Eggs can keep you full for most part of the day. They also reduce the possibility of contracting heart diseases, improve insulin sensitivity in the body, decrease inflammation and restructure the size of bad cholesterol. Numerous studies have revealed diabetic people can keep their blood sugar levels at bay by regularly eating eggs and promoting good cholesterol. Eggs also contain zeaxanthin and luthein antioxidants. These antioxidants protect the wellness of the eyes. If you want eggs, go for whole eggs.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are one of the best meals for diabetic people. They contain low amounts of digestible carbs and fiber. The high amounts of fiber are capable of lowering blood sugar levels in the body. It performs its function by slowing down the rate in which meals are absorbed in the body. In addition to these, chia seed can help you attain your weight goals. Its fiber makes you full most part of the day thus reducing hunger. Fiber found in chia seeds can also reduce the calories your body absorbs. That’s not all; chia seeds can also reduce inflammatory markers and blood pressure.
Turmeric is a very powerful spice. It is well known for its numerous health benefits in the body. Curcumin is the most active ingredient in turmeric. This compound is capable of regulating blood sugar levels. It is also capable of lowering inflammation and reduces the possibility of a heart attack. Diabetes has for a long time been linked with kidney related complications. Curcumin is capable of improving the wellness and functionality of kidney. People experience these benefits differently. Some people exhibit the above benefits, whereas others take time. Simply be consistent on your intake of this spice.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is one of the few dairy products that are recommended for diabetic people. It has for a long time been used in regulating blood sugar levels. It also reduces the possibility of a heart condition. The probiotics found in greek yogurt are mostly responsible for the above functions. Recent studies have showcased that greek yogurt is capable of improving the general wellness of diabetic people including their body composition. Frequent consumption greek yogurt can also help in weight loss and maintaining current weight. This is thanks to the linolic acid and calcium. The high protein levels in this yogurt also help in weight loss by making a person feel full.
There are different kinds of nuts you can consume. All these nuts are highly nutritious and very delicious. Nuts contain high amounts of fiber. They also contain low amounts of digestible carbs. Therefore, there are no negative effects of consuming too much nuts. Walnuts, pecans, almonds, macadamia, cashew nuts, Hazelnuts, pistachios and Brazil nuts are examples of nuts you can consume. Nuts are likely to benefit diabetic people in numerous ways. It is capable of lowering blood sugar levels and inflammation. Nuts are also capable of reducing the size particles of bad cholesterol. Furthermore, nuts can significantly help you lose some weight. Diabetic people will notice the general wellbeing and improvement of their body. Nuts can also reduce the insulin levels in the body. This reduces the possibility of contracting some diseases such as Alzheimer and cancer.
Broccoli falls under the category of vegetables. This vegetable is very nutritious. It contains different kinds of minerals and vitamins. Magnesium and vitamin C are the dominant nutrients. Diabetic people can greatly benefit from broccoli. First, it helps lower the insulin levels in the body. Broccoli also protects the body against free radicals that can cause great damage to the body cells. This vegetable also contains antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, responsible for the wellness of the eye. Broccoli can also protect your body against different kinds of diseases.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin oil contains high amounts of oleic acid. Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fat. It can reduce the particles of HDL and triglycerides, which can spike up on people with type 2 diabetes. Extra virgin olive oil is also capable of improving the wellbeing of the heart. It performs its functions by reducing the possibility of contracting any heart condition. This olive oil can also make you full most part of the day. That’s not all; this olive oil contains polyphenols, an antioxidant known for numerous health benefits. It is capable of reducing blood pressure, preventing the bad cholesterol from being oxidized or protecting the lining of your blood vessels. Ensure you choose the right extra virgin olive oil.
The nutrients levels of flaxseeds help in the maintenance of diabetes. Flaxseeds contain a good fraction of insoluble fiber. The insoluble fiber found in flaxseeds, lignans is capable of controlling blood sugar levels and reduce the possibility of contracting heart disease condition. Studies revealed that diabetic people who regularly fed on flaxseeds keep their blood sugar levels at bay. Additionally, flaxseeds can improve insulin sensitivity in the body; reduce the possibility of suffering from a stroke. You will also notice that you require low amounts of medicine used for blood clot. Above all; the fiber found in flaxseeds is capable of improving the health of your gut.
Apple Cider Vinegar
The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are undeniable. Apple cider vinegar can tremendously assist diabetic people manage their condition. First, it is capable of improving the insulin sensitivity in the body. Apple cider vinegar can also regularize blood sugar levels. There is practical evidence that apple cider vinegar can help control diabetes by taking two spoons each day before retiring to bed. Apple cider vinegar can also make you feel full for a long period. Don’t consume apple cider vinegar raw. Instead, mix it in water.
Strawberries are both sweet and very nutritious. This fruits is very rich in antioxidants. Anthocyanins are antioxidants that give strawberries their red color. Additionally, they can improve the blood sugar levels. These antioxidants also reduce the possibility of contracting heart conditions. The insulin and cholesterol levels in the body can also be reduced through regular consumption of strawberries. Strawberries also contain high amounts of vitamin C and fiber. Vitamin C is linked to anti-inflammatory benefits.
Garlic is both a spice and an herb. It has been used because of its health benefits. Garlic has for a long time been used to reduce inflammation, the LDL cholesterol particles and blood sugar levels for diabetic people. This herb can also be used to reduce high blood pressure. The above benefits of garlic can be visible within 12 weeks after consuming at least one clove of garlic each day.
Squash falls under the category of vegetables. Italian and Zucchini are the most common types of squash. The components of squash make it reliable when it comes to controlling diabetes. This vegetable contains a significant amount of antioxidants. Zeaxanthin and lutein are the common types of antioxidants found in squash. These antioxidants protect diabetic people against macular and cataracts degeneration. This vegetable can also reduce both in the insulin levels and obesity in the body. The blood sugar levels can remain intact if you regularly consume squash.
Shirataki Noodles
Shirataki noodle plays a vital role in weight and diabetes control. These types of noodles contain high fiber amounts called glucomannan. This type of fiber makes you feel full for a long period by reducing the time in which food is released from the body. People who regularly consume shirataki noodles are more likely to keep their blood sugar levels intact. This vegetable is also capable of improving the health of the heart.
Bottom Line
Diabetes is a very chronic condition. Therefore, it should be controlled before it gets out of hand to cause other serious effects. The kinds of meals you consume determine if you will keep your blood sugar levels intact or not. Consider any of the above 16 meals to efficiently control diabetes.